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p5-Pod-Constants Include constants from POD
p5-Pod-Xhtml Generate well-formed XHTML documents from POD format documentation
p5-POD2-IT Italian translation of Perl core documentation
p5-POSIX-strptime Perl module for the POSIX strptime function
p5-Proc-Fork Simple, intuitive interface to the fork() system call
p5-Regexp-Debugger Visually debug regexes in-place
p5-RPC-PlClient All that's needed to run PlRPC-Server and Client
p5-RT-Authen-ExternalAuth RT extension for external authentication methods
p5-RTF-Writer Perl module for generating documents in Rich Text Format
p5-Shell-Command Cross-platform functions emulating common shell commands
p5-spf-policyd Basic Postfix policy engine for SPF checking
p5-Spread Perl5 module interface to Spread network utilities
p5-Startup Program flow utility
p5-Sub-Prototype Add prototype for function
p5-Sub-Recursive Anonymous memory leak free recursive subroutines
p5-Sub-WrapPackages Add pre- and post-execution wrappers around all the subroutines
p5-Subtitles Handle video subtitles in various text formats
p5-Syntax-Highlight-Perl-Improved Highlighting of Perl Syntactical Structures
p5-Template-Plugin-Class Allow calling of class methods on arbitrary classes
p5-Term-ReadLine-Perl5 Perl module providing minimal interface to Readline libraries
p5-Test-Fake-HTTPD Fake HTTP Server
p5-Test-Stub Simple stubbing library for Perl5
p5-Test-Unit-Lite Unit testing without external dependencies
p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize-CGIApp Test::WWW::Mechanize for CGI::Application
p5-Test-XML Compare XML in perl tests
p5-Text-ASCIITable Create a nice formatted table using ASCII characters
p5-Text-CHM Module that implements a support for handling CHM files
p5-Text-Context Perl module for highlighting search result context snippets
p5-Text-EtText Simple plain-text format which allows conversion to and from HTML
p5-Text-Hatena Perl extension for formatting text with Hatena Style
p5-Text-Quote Quotes strings as required for perl to eval them back correctly
p5-Text-Trim Extract the structure of a quoted mail message
p5-Text-VimColor Syntax color text in HTML or XML using Vim
p5-Tie-DB_Lock Ties hashes to databases using shared and exclusive locks
p5-Time-Piece-Range Time::Piece::Range - deal with a range of Time::Piece objects
p5-transdecoder Identify candidate coding regions within transcript sequences
p5-trimgalore Wrapper around Cutadapt and FastQC for adapter and quality trimming
p5-Unicode-CheckUTF8 Perl5 module to check if scalar is valid UTF-8
p5-Unicode-EastAsianWidth-Detect Perl5 module to detect CJK Language
p5-URI-Find-Rule Simpler interface to URI::Find
p5-URI-Title Get the titles of things on the web in a sensible way
p5-UUID DCE compatible Universally Unique Identifier library for Perl
p5-WebService-Audioscrobbler Interface to the Audioscrobbler WebService API (aka Last.FM)
p5-WebService-CIA Information from the CIA World Factbook
p5-WebService-GData Google data protocol v2
p5-WWW-YouTube-Download Very simple YouTube video download interface
p5-WWW-YouTube-VideoURI Module to determine the URI of a Flash Video file on
p5-XML-DT Perl module for down translation of XML files
p5-XML-DTDParser Perl module for handling XML DTDs
p5-XML-Writer-Simple Perl module for writing XML documents
p5-xmlsig-svn Multi-language, multi-platform implementation of XML signatures
p6-grammar-debugger A Perl 6 module for debugging grammars
p6-Grammar-Profiler-Simple A simple profiler that counts calls and records timing for grammar rules
p6-json A tiny JSON parser and emitter for Perl 6 on Rakudo
p6-json_fast A Perl 6 module for JSON
p6-oo-monitors A monitor provides per-instance mutual exclusion for objects
p6-perl6-digest-md5 A Perl 6 module for MD5
p6-perl6-encode A Perl 6 module for some text encoding
p6-perl6-http-status A Perl 6 module for HTTP status code text
p6-Perl6-MIME-Base64 A Perl 6 module for Base64
p6-Pod-To-HTML convert POD6 to HTML
p6-svg A Perl 6 module for SVG graphics
p6-svg-plot A simple 2D chart plotter for Perl 6
p6-Template-Mustache Perl6 library for the Mustache template format
p6-Terminal-ANSIColor A Perl 6 module for terminal ansicolors
p6-test-mock A Perl 6 module for testing
p6-uri Perl6 realization of URI — Uniform Resource Identifiers handler
p6-xml-writer A Perl 6 module to generate XML
p6-zef Perl 6 module manager
pack Vim package manager
packmol Creates Initial Configurations for Molecular Dynamics Simulations
pacman Simple library-based package manager
pact_broker-client Client for the Pact Broker
pagetools Automatic deskew and bounding box determination for scanned pages
pal Command-line calendar program
palp Analyzing lattice polytopes
pam-pkcs11 PKCS #11 authentication method for PAM
pam-pop3 This module authenticates a user against a POP3 server
pam-pwdfile PAM module for authenticating with text password files
pan2-git Newsreader for GTK3 and GTK2
panda GPLed PDF generation library
papp Assembly Preprocessor
paprefs Configuration dialog for the PulseAudio sound server
parafly Process the commands in parallel on a single server
paraview VTK-based Data Analysis and Visualization Application
parcellite Parcellite is a lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager
parole Simple media player based on the GStreamer framework
parted Create, destroy, resize, check, and copy partitions and file systems
partio Library for handling standard particle formats
partonevolution Fast Evolution of Parton Distributions
passphrase-git Zero-dependency passphrase generator
PatternPaint Making beautiful light shows is as easy as drawing a picture
paxmirabilis Archiving utility for tar, cpio and ar
paxtest Test program for PaX functionality
payara41 Java EE 7 application server based on GlassFish 4.1
PayloadsAllTheThings Collection of payloads and bypasses for Web Application Security
pbbuttonsd Daemon to handle laptop specific features
pbzx Tool to extract Apple PBZX-compressed files
pcem Emulator for various IBM PC computers and clones
mk Subfolder