p5-Pod-Constants | Include constants from POD | |
p5-Pod-Xhtml | Generate well-formed XHTML documents from POD format documentation | |
p5-POD2-IT | Italian translation of Perl core documentation | |
p5-POSIX-strptime | Perl module for the POSIX strptime function | |
p5-Proc-Fork | Simple, intuitive interface to the fork() system call | |
p5-Regexp-Debugger | Visually debug regexes in-place | |
p5-RPC-PlClient | All that's needed to run PlRPC-Server and Client | |
p5-RT-Authen-ExternalAuth | RT extension for external authentication methods | |
p5-RTF-Writer | Perl module for generating documents in Rich Text Format | |
p5-Shell-Command | Cross-platform functions emulating common shell commands | |
p5-spf-policyd | Basic Postfix policy engine for SPF checking | |
p5-Spread | Perl5 module interface to Spread network utilities | |
p5-Startup | Program flow utility | |
p5-Sub-Prototype | Add prototype for function | |
p5-Sub-Recursive | Anonymous memory leak free recursive subroutines | |
p5-Sub-WrapPackages | Add pre- and post-execution wrappers around all the subroutines | |
p5-Subtitles | Handle video subtitles in various text formats | |
p5-Syntax-Highlight-Perl-Improved | Highlighting of Perl Syntactical Structures | |
p5-Template-Plugin-Class | Allow calling of class methods on arbitrary classes | |
p5-Term-ReadLine-Perl5 | Perl module providing minimal interface to Readline libraries | |
p5-Test-Fake-HTTPD | Fake HTTP Server | |
p5-Test-Stub | Simple stubbing library for Perl5 | |
p5-Test-Unit-Lite | Unit testing without external dependencies | |
p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize-CGIApp | Test::WWW::Mechanize for CGI::Application | |
p5-Test-XML | Compare XML in perl tests | |
p5-Text-ASCIITable | Create a nice formatted table using ASCII characters | |
p5-Text-CHM | Module that implements a support for handling CHM files | |
p5-Text-Context | Perl module for highlighting search result context snippets | |
p5-Text-EtText | Simple plain-text format which allows conversion to and from HTML | |
p5-Text-Hatena | Perl extension for formatting text with Hatena Style | |
p5-Text-Quote | Quotes strings as required for perl to eval them back correctly | |
p5-Text-Trim | Extract the structure of a quoted mail message | |
p5-Text-VimColor | Syntax color text in HTML or XML using Vim | |
p5-Tie-DB_Lock | Ties hashes to databases using shared and exclusive locks | |
p5-Time-Piece-Range | Time::Piece::Range - deal with a range of Time::Piece objects | |
p5-transdecoder | Identify candidate coding regions within transcript sequences | |
p5-trimgalore | Wrapper around Cutadapt and FastQC for adapter and quality trimming | |
p5-Unicode-CheckUTF8 | Perl5 module to check if scalar is valid UTF-8 | |
p5-Unicode-EastAsianWidth-Detect | Perl5 module to detect CJK Language | |
p5-URI-Find-Rule | Simpler interface to URI::Find | |
p5-URI-Title | Get the titles of things on the web in a sensible way | |
p5-UUID | DCE compatible Universally Unique Identifier library for Perl | |
p5-WebService-Audioscrobbler | Interface to the Audioscrobbler WebService API (aka Last.FM) | |
p5-WebService-CIA | Information from the CIA World Factbook | |
p5-WebService-GData | Google data protocol v2 | |
p5-WWW-YouTube-Download | Very simple YouTube video download interface | |
p5-WWW-YouTube-VideoURI | Module to determine the URI of a Flash Video file on YouTube.com | |
p5-XML-DT | Perl module for down translation of XML files | |
p5-XML-DTDParser | Perl module for handling XML DTDs | |
p5-XML-RSS-LibXML | XML::RSS with XML::LibXML | |
p5-XML-Writer-Simple | Perl module for writing XML documents | |
p5-xmlsig-svn | Multi-language, multi-platform implementation of XML signatures | |
p6-grammar-debugger | A Perl 6 module for debugging grammars | |
p6-Grammar-Profiler-Simple | A simple profiler that counts calls and records timing for grammar rules | |
p6-json | A tiny JSON parser and emitter for Perl 6 on Rakudo | |
p6-json_fast | A Perl 6 module for JSON | |
p6-oo-monitors | A monitor provides per-instance mutual exclusion for objects | |
p6-perl6-digest-md5 | A Perl 6 module for MD5 | |
p6-perl6-encode | A Perl 6 module for some text encoding | |
p6-perl6-http-status | A Perl 6 module for HTTP status code text | |
p6-Perl6-MIME-Base64 | A Perl 6 module for Base64 | |
p6-Pod-To-HTML | convert POD6 to HTML | |
p6-svg | A Perl 6 module for SVG graphics | |
p6-svg-plot | A simple 2D chart plotter for Perl 6 | |
p6-Template-Mustache | Perl6 library for the Mustache template format | |
p6-Terminal-ANSIColor | A Perl 6 module for terminal ansicolors | |
p6-test-mock | A Perl 6 module for testing | |
p6-uri | Perl6 realization of URI — Uniform Resource Identifiers handler | |
p6-xml-writer | A Perl 6 module to generate XML | |
p6-zef | Perl 6 module manager | |
pack | Vim package manager | |
packmol | Creates Initial Configurations for Molecular Dynamics Simulations | |
pacman | Simple library-based package manager | |
pact_broker-client | Client for the Pact Broker | |
pagetools | Automatic deskew and bounding box determination for scanned pages | |
pal | Command-line calendar program | |
palp | Analyzing lattice polytopes | |
pam-pkcs11 | PKCS #11 authentication method for PAM | |
pam-pop3 | This module authenticates a user against a POP3 server | |
pam-pwdfile | PAM module for authenticating with text password files | |
pan2-git | Newsreader for GTK3 and GTK2 | |
panda | GPLed PDF generation library | |
papp | Assembly Preprocessor | |
paprefs | Configuration dialog for the PulseAudio sound server | |
parafly | Process the commands in parallel on a single server | |
paraview | VTK-based Data Analysis and Visualization Application | |
parcellite | Parcellite is a lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager | |
parole | Simple media player based on the GStreamer framework | |
parted | Create, destroy, resize, check, and copy partitions and file systems | |
partio | Library for handling standard particle formats | |
partonevolution | Fast Evolution of Parton Distributions | |
passphrase-git | Zero-dependency passphrase generator | |
PatternPaint | Making beautiful light shows is as easy as drawing a picture | |
paxmirabilis | Archiving utility for tar, cpio and ar | |
paxtest | Test program for PaX functionality | |
payara41 | Java EE 7 application server based on GlassFish 4.1 | |
PayloadsAllTheThings | Collection of payloads and bypasses for Web Application Security | |
pbbuttonsd | Daemon to handle laptop specific features | |
pbzx | Tool to extract Apple PBZX-compressed files | |
pcem | Emulator for various IBM PC computers and clones | |
mk | Subfolder |